Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Discuss how federal policies towards band government (Aboriginal Essay

Discuss how federal policies towards band government (Aboriginal Band's) have changed over time, especially during the 20th c - Essay Example Apparently, it is evident that the development of the Indian status has sidelined the recognition of communities that were historically identified as aboriginals from their rightful status. This status may be considered essential to the identification of an individual, however it does not carry the main concerns centred along the governance if the aboriginal bands. Evaluation There exists an overwhelming list of aboriginals in the records of Canada. The subsequent treatment accorded to these individuals formulates the centre of attention that accords its evaluation. However, the first concern that calls for address is the interference if the federal government tone the running of the policies adopted by the aboriginals developed programs. Such programs are developed at the central governance level. The general contribution imposed by this perception is that the central government constantly fails to allocate sufficient funds that are necessitated in the realization of policies adopte d towards the favour of the aboriginals and other ancient groups. An evaluation on the performance of the aboriginal programs initiated at the lower governance levels seems to be fully out of existence. This includes policies that seek to ensure political, social and economical stability of these individuals in the nation. Evaluations of the policies that can be identified at the regional government level are identified at the commencement of the late phase of the 20th century. This century had witnessed the developed of the Indiana act that sought to identify and address the challenges experiences by the members of various aboriginal bands in the nation. Apparently, there exists a differing perception on the contribution of the governing authority towards the realization of these policies. The chief question is centred on the exact input that should be pegged to the execution of the authorities, especially the central government. Initially, the central government was tasked with th e role of ensuring that the regional governance access funds to support various aboriginal programs. Unfortunately, hiccups in logistics and delivery of services marred the whole process. Apparently, the bureaucracies of accessing the funds designated for the funding of aboriginal programs had proved to a rather cumbersome effort. This implied that there desired a need to establish a new set of instruction upon which the realization of the aboriginal programs can be ascertained. This may be described as the fuelling factor that has promoted the development and the subsequent adoption of various legislation that seek strengthen the Indiana Act. Several new assumptions have been enlisted into the act. The central concern has been the diversity of the act in terms of covering the stretching needs of the aboriginal community. The central challenges that were first addressed by the evaluation team include the quantification of the groups that fall under this category. Apparently, some co mmunities shared the perception that their constitutional and national privileges were challenged upon the failure of their inclusion in the list of the recognized members of the aboriginal community. The intense efforts of enlisting all the communities that are interlinked under the aboriginal recognition bracket has been placed in consideration all along. The previous century has witnessed increased

Monday, February 10, 2020

Analysis of The History of NASA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Analysis of The History of NASA - Research Paper Example This paper reviews the history of NASA: NASA’S formation, goals and objectives, greatest achievements in history, and also its administration. At the end of the paper, it is argued that NASA has indeed lived up to its mission and objectives and that it has been very successful in achieving its goals and objectives. Formation of NASA The formation of NASA as a fully-fledged government agency dedicated to the exploration of the outer space was sparked off by the historic launch of the satellite Sputnik 1 by Russia in October 1957 (Galloway, 2008). The launch of the Sputnik 1 Satellite by Russia was a monumental success for Russia in space science, and this action made Russia the leading country in space science explorations. The launch of the Sputnik 1 Satellite by Russia made the US feel insecure, the US government felt that Russia could use its superior knowledge in space science to harm them in one way or another. The US also felt that they had to do everything possible so as to reclaim their position as the world’s premier in space science and aeronautics. For these reasons, the use government set out in November 1957, to establish a government agency fully dedicated to the exploration of outer space. ... But following the Sputnik’s launch by Russia, the establishment of a more effective and robust government agency dealing with outer space exploration became a matter of agency. The US Senate, the Congress and the Executive began a process of establishing a government agency that would deal with matters of outer space explorations (Dick, 2008). On 6th February 1958, the Senate established a special committee on space and Aeronautics with the aim of exploring ways and means of establishing a space agency. The committee was headed by Senator Johnson. On the side of the Congress, a select committee on Aeronautics and space exploration was formed on 5th March 1958, and the committee was headed by John McCormack, McCormack was the house majority leader. On the executive side, President Eisenhower asked his science advisor James Killian to convene science advisory committee to deliberate on the issue of establishing a space agency. The Science advisory committee proposed the establis hment of a civilian committee built around the NACA (Dick, 2008). The committee presented their resolutions to President Eisenhower and the president approved their resolutions on the establishment of a space agency. In their deliberations, both the Senate and the Congress had also resolved that there was indeed an urgent need of establishing a space agency. On 2nd April 1958, President Eisenhower sent draft legislation to the Congress. The draft proposed establishment of a space agency by the name, National Aeronautics and Space Agency. The Congress, however, changed the name of the proposed agency to, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  Ã‚