Thursday, December 5, 2019

Change in Workplace Agricultural and Applied Economics

Question: Share a story about a change that you experienced. What specifically was the target of change? How did the change unfold? When it was over, did you notice things had indeed changed, or did things return to what they were before the change? (Even if you have no current work experience to draw from, think about a change you were involved in as a member of a community group or a volunteer group.) Answer: Since my employment with a retail company, I had once experienced a structural change throughout the organization. I believe such change is influenced by the effects of both internal and external factors. For coping up with the diverse requirements of the highly advanced technologic environment, the particular change is identified by the management (Han Goetz, 2015). The identified changes were exercised in the core business functions, as the way of interacting with the customers was highly modified as part of the process. The major implication of the identified change has ensured establishment of the online presence of the company. As a result, online marketing approaches were adopted instead of the traditional marketing strategies (Miranda et al., 2013). The consequence of the overall change process has contributed the business to gain more revenues while elevating the profitability of the organization comprehensively. References Han, Y., Goetz, S. J. (2015). Workplace-anchored migration in US counties. In2015 AAEA WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, July 26-28, San Francisco, California(No. 204952). Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Western Agricultural Economics Association. Miranda, S. L., Vicente, . G., Antunes, A. C., Rodrigues, B. S., DOliveira, T. (2013). Workplace aggression in organizational changing processes: The mediation role of leader political (soft and hard) behavior. In15th IAMB Conference. IAMB/ISEG.

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